Do you experience any of the following?

  • Excessive worry: uncontrollable worry about various areas of life.

  • Irritability: easily frustrated or angry.

  • Fatigue: constant tiredness.

  • Loss of interest: lack of enjoyment or interest in activities.

  • Sleep disturbance: lack of sleep or sleep too much.

  • Sadness: feeling sad most days .

  • Feeling of worthlessness: sense of guilt or self-criticism.

  • Restlessness: difficulty staying still or feeling on edge.

I’m glad you’re here.

These feelings may be very familiar to you.

I understand you feel stuck and you’re eager to move past this state.

If you are struggling with anxiety or depression, it can feel isolating and overwhelming.

I'm here to help you figure out where to start.

Together, we will develop and implement effective coping strategies. These strategies will help you regain control, find relief, and move towards a more fulfilling life.



I'm Michele, and as a licensed clinical social worker, I work with people struggling with anxiety and depression to get back on track by helping them learn how to manage their thoughts and feelings so that they don't have to live with the constant stress and overwhelm. You can learn new ways to cope and create the life you want, and I'll work with you every step of the way to help you feel happier, joyful, and fulfilled.


Providing a space that works for you.

All your appointments will take place online with access to a HIPAA secure platform where you can have your session where it’s convenient for you.